Types and Hotel Location (Jenis dan Letak Hotel)
Halo sobat yang lagi nyari kosa kata tentang Types and Hotel Location (Jenis dan Letak Hotel), tidak usah bingung lagi, saya bantu ya....
1. Beach hotel = hotel pantai
2. Commercial hotel = hotel komersil
3. Airport hotel = hotel bandar udara
4. Guest house = wisma
5. One star hotel = hotel bintang satu
6. Two star hotel = hotel bintang dua
7. Three star hotel = hotel bintang tiga
8. Four star hotel = hotel bintang empat
9. Five star hotel = hotel bintang lima
10. Luxury hotel = hotel mewah
11. Near the beach = dekat pantai
12. In a town center = di pusat kota
13. In a quiet place = di tempat yang tenang
14. Near the railway station = dekat stasiun kereta api
15. With pleasant views = dengan pemandangan yang menenangkan
16. Surrounded by = dikelilingi oleh
17. In the heart of town = di jantung kota
18. Near the main shopping center = dekat pusat perbelanjaan utama
19. In the middle of the city = di tengah-tengah kota
20. In the suburbs = di pinggir kota
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