Pengertian, Perubahan Tenses dan Contoh Indirect Speech

Hai sobat, hari ini kita akan membahas Pengertian, Perubahan Tenses dan Contoh Indirect Speech. Disimak ya.... Pengertian Indirect Speech atau Reported Speech adalah kalimat tak langsung yang merupakan perubahan dari sebuah kalimat langsung. Dari sisi tenses, karena merupakan perubahan dari suatu kalimat langsung, susunan kalimat tak langsung selalu mengacu pada kalimat langsungnya.

A. Perubahan Tenses Dalam Indirect Speech
Dalam indirect speech atau reported speech didahului dengan kata said, misalnya: I said, Jack said atau They said. Selain itu, tenses atau bentuk waktunya berubah menjadi bentuk waktu yang lebih lampau.

Perhatikan tabel berikut :
Direct Speech
Indirect Speech

Simple Present
He said, “I go to Jakarta every month.”
Simple Past
He said (that) he went to Jakarta every month.
Simple Past
He said,”I went to Jakarta every month.”
Past Perfect
He said (that) he had gone to Jakarta every month.
Present Perfect
He said, “I have gone to Jakarta every month.”
Past Perfect
He said (that) he had gone to Jakarta every month.
Present Continuous
He said,”I am going to Jakarta every month.”
Past Continuous
He said (that) he was going to Jakarta every month.
Past Continuous
He said, “I was going to Jakarta every month.”
Perfect Continuous
He said (that) he had been going to Jakarta every month.
Future (will)
He said,”I will go to Jakarta every month.”
Would + verb
He said (that) he would go to Jakarta every month.
Furure (going to)
He said, “I am going to Jakarta every month.”
Past Continuous
He said (that) he was going to Jakarta every month.

B. Indirect Speech Dengan Perintah
Bentuk indirect atau reported speech perubahan dari kalimat perintah biasanya menggunakan kata said, told, dan ordered dan kemudian diikuti bentuk to infinitive.
Direct Speech
Indirect Speech

He said,”Go to school every day.”
 He said,”Wash your face!”
The police ordered,”Walk on!”
The teacher said,”Don’t be lazy!”
He told me to go to school every day.
He told me to wash my face.
The police ordered me to walk on.
The teacher told me not to be lazy.

C. Indirect Speech Dengan Larangan
Bentuk indirect speech perubahan dari kalimat larangan biasanya membuat mustn't tetap mustn't tetapi didahului that + Subject dan diikuti dengan auxiliary dan verb tanpa mengubah tenses (bentuk waktunya).
Direct Speech
Indirect Speech

He told me,”You mustn’t drive a car without a driving licence.”

He told me that I musn’t drive a car without a driving licence.

D. Indirect Speech Dengan Tanya
Bentuk Indirect Speech yang merupakan perubahan dari kalimat tanya dapat dikelompokan menjadi dua:
a. Indirect Speech dengan Yes-No Question : biasanya menggunakan kata "whether".
b. Indirect Speech dengan W-H Question : Biasanya menggunakan kata tanya yang ada dalam kalimat langsungnya.

Direct Speech
Indirect Speech

He said, “Do you go to school every day?”

He asked me whether I went to school every day.
He said, “Where do you go to school?”
He asked me where I went to school.

She asked, “When will they come?”
She asked me when they would come.

E. Perubahan Pada Adverbs, Articles, dan Modals
Perubahan dari bentuk langsung menjadi tidak langsung juga mengakibatkan adanya perubahan pada adverbs, articles, dan modals tertentu, sebagai berikut :

can ---> could
will ---> would
here ---> there
now ---> then
next week ---> the following week
shall ---> should
may ---> might
this ---> that
yesterday ---> the day before

Direct Speech
Indirect Speech

He said,”I can go to school every day.”
He said (that) he could go to school every day.

He said,”I may go to school every day.”
He said (that) he might go to school every day.

Demikian Pengertian, Perubahan Tenses dan Contoh Indirect Speech, semoga bermanfaat.

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